Tournament Results

Your tournament results will begin to populate as you enter your tournament scores, just like magic!

To make your bracket play results visible to your tournament followers, ensure that you've published your tournament brackets for each division. Your teams will automatically be ranked under the Results tab by pool if you have pools. If you source a bracket game by division, your Results tab will adjust to show games ranked by division.  

Should you need to manually adjust the final rankings of a division, you are able to drag and drop teams into the desired ranking order from the Results tab within the web app:

Once the divisional team rankings are final, you may either advance all divisions to their brackets at once using the green button in the upper right of your screen, or you may advance select divisions to brackets using the green Advance Teams To Bracket button under the divisional team list on the Results tab.

Advancement to brackets may also be accomplished through the mobile app, under the Standings tab of each division.

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